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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nothing new

Not much to report today.

I did get a chance to go to my grandma's and work on the quilt I am making the baby. It is a raggedy quilt and I am so excited. I actually got all the quilting done today I just have to cut the slits and it will be done.

We are ready to go, our bags our packed and the room is ready, all we need now is 'THE PHONE CALL'!!!

We will be having lunch with the birth mother tomorrow and we are very excited for that as well.

We will just continue to pray that the birth mother may stay comfortable in her last days and have an easy labor and delivery. That our baby may be healthy. That the wait will remain to go smoothly.


  1. thank u for posting even though you r just reporting there's nothing new.... that way I don't sit here wondering if u r at the hospital right now!!!!!!! love u guys Beth ps. will baby Mac grace our presence at kstate games and tailgating or spend time w/ G&G Kampling?????

  2. Our prayers are with yours, and you guys are hanging in there very well yourselves!!
    Love ~ Amy

  3. I am thinking about you two and checking this often. Thanks for updating! Sooooo excited for you--what a blessing :) Tisha

  4. I was just going to call you, good thing I happened to check your blog first, I think you're probably at lunch!

    Hang in there, and try to remember, the closer to the due date the baby can wait, the healthier it will be. :)

    I'll call you later. :)



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