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Friday, June 26, 2009

doctors appointment

The birth mother called me this evening to let me know how her doctors appointment went.

It went well :)

The doctor would not make a guess as to how big the baby was going to be because it would be just that, a guess. So we will all just have to wait and see.

She tested negative for group B Strep.

She is now dialated to a 3!!! That is progress so we will take it!

By the way - Amy you were right - Mark is excited to try new foods. I'm excited he gets to and I can have a bowl of pasta for dinner without feeling bad for not cooking more. (if you are confused, please see my post from yesterday about the food calendar that Brandi set up for Mark and I)

I would also like to add a request for prayers for the birth mother to have a swift and easy delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry those prayers are coming, as long as still those prayers for patience and peace for you and Mark!! Love you guys



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