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Thursday, June 25, 2009


My sister-in-law Brandi made a neat meal calendar for Mark and I. Speaking of Brandi, she got her results back today and they were negative! Meaning she most likely doesn't have Lupus. YEAH!!! Although now we are waiting for answers. :(

Ok, back to the food calendar. If you would like to sign up to bring Mark and I some yummy food while we are taking time to enjoy our new baby!!! (that sounds so funny) then you can do so using this site and not worry about bringing food the same night as someone else or the same dish as the night before.

The site is:

The calendar id is: 18395
The security code is: 5737

When you enter the calendar click on July and click on one of the open Meal buttons to add your meal and information.

Thanks Brandi for setting this up for us :)

1 comment:

  1. That is an awsome idea and she somehow with everything she has going on has time to do this and find these things. She is such a great person, and that will be so helpful to you guys (Mark I bet you're excited to try some new things, and Jenny I'll bring you something you'll love!)



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