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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It went well!

We visited with our lawyer for about an hour and a half and got a LOT of information. We talked about different scenarios and all the what ifs. None of which are big concerns. Again it went well and he shared again at how lucky we were to have found a birth mother as good as we did. That is such a relief.

I know a big question everyone has had is how or when do we know when the baby is coming? - the birth mother will call us.

Do we (Mark and I) get a room at the hospital? If there is an extra room otherwise NO.

How or when do you all get to know? Whenever Mark and I decide to call - which we haven't done yet. (we are working on it)

As for everything else it depends on the birth mothers 'birth plan' and we don't know it yet.

We appriciate all of your support - it is overwhelming and appriciated. We will keep you posted.


  1. Whooo oohhh! Think how much stuff you guys have gotten done in the last 5 days. Pat yourself on your back!

  2. you guys are so ready, and going to be great. We are here for you whenever and for whatever you need us for just let us know.

    The Butterfields

  3. Jennifer--you are so awesome! Just had to say it!




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