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Sunday, June 28, 2009


Not much new to report here, just more waiting and some more preparing.

We put together our new shelf/storage unit Sat. night. We actually had a date night Sat night. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner then to target to buy said shelf/storage unit, followed by JCPenny to exchange an outfit we had gotten for a different one. My best friend sent us a girl outfit and a boy outfit and we had to exchange one of them :) It was fun to look at the cute clothes. We then went to the Warren and watched hangover, it was pretty funny.

Today we took it pretty easy we went to church then packed hospital bags and did some laundry. We took an afternoon nap and went to a wingnuts game this evening with the miracle league. We had a good time.

WE ARE SOOOO EXCITED!!! We will actually be having lunch with the birth mother on Wednesday to just visit and exchange a few things. We will be giving her a copy of our portfolio, and she will be giving us a few sonogram pictures and some stuff she got for the baby. While I hope she goes into labor before Wednesday I also hope she doesn't as I said before I would absolutely love the chance to feel the baby kick. My luck, the baby will be sleeping during lunch time that day.

This is our new bookshelf/storage unit - I love it, but I guess I should since I picked it out. (Thanks Mark, I love you)

We have the babies bed ready for our baby!!! K-state quilt and all.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers, keep them coming. We'll keep you posted.


  1. Looks cute, that shelving system is cute, you could change that up whenever you wanted too! Looks and sounds like you guys are getting so very ready. I am so very ready for this great adventure for you two to start!!!! Prayers are coming, and Peace is being sent your way.
    Love you guys

  2. lovin the kstate sheets~ keep us updated!!! love you guys~Beth & Mike

  3. Reading your blog makes me smile! I couldn't be happier for you! Love the storage shelf, it is going to fill up quickly! Love the book you chose to put in the center, can't say I'm surprised! Looking forward to HIS/her picture very soon! ;)

  4. Yeah for date night!! I hope you splurged and ate some roles at Texas Roadhouse! Yummm!

  5. Jenny, I found your blog (like Nicole's) on Kelly's page, so I've been catching up.

    Congrats that's awesome news! You and Mark will be great parents. I'll check back often to see when he/she arrives.




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