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Friday, June 12, 2009

The million dollar question

I should have put this in my last post, but maybe I didn't because it is a topic I'm trying to think about less. I've never had my patience tested so much. It's good for me right?

So the question is... When is she going to decided? - The answer still remains - WHENEVER SHE WANTS. We did not ask her when she thought she would decide as we don't want to pressure her into the decision. She is obviously putting a lot of thought and care into her decision, as she should.

As I stated before she can make this decision at any point she could decide tomorrow, in two weeks or on the day she delivers the baby. I know that it is a hard wait, but what we can do now is continue to pray for her as she tries to make her choice, pray for the baby that it continues to be health, and for Mark and I that we can stay at peace as we wait for her to make her choice.

Thanks in advance again, for all your thoughts and prayers - they are really paying off. I couldn't do it without all of you.


  1. Hey Jenny,
    Still praying for all involved, and for peace for you as you wait. And what a hard wait! Thanks for the prayers sent this way also.
    Love you tons!

  2. Thanks, and sorry we always ask... I know how hard it is seeming to be for me to know, I can not imagain what the two of you are going through, or the birth mother trying to make this decision. I will continue praying for all involved.

  3. Yes, God is working his plans for all of you involved! I admire your patience and your ability to accept the decision that will be made, irregardless. You are loved:) Geri



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