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Friday, June 19, 2009

Just in time...

Mark and I couldn't have asked for better news for fathers day other than the call we got today from the birth mother - letting us know she has chosen US!!!!!!

All our/your prayers have been answered.

I got a call at 1:30 today from the birth mother letting me know that she had been to the doctor and the appointment went well. The doctor told her that they would go ahead and make an appointment for next week, but that she wasn't sure she would make it to next week. OMG!!! :) :) :)

We can not wait and couldn't be more excited. There is way more to share about our conversation, but I will wait and spread to story out. She is due July 12th, but it looks like it may happen earlier.

Thanks for EVERYTHING - your prayers and support have meant so much and will continue to mean everything to us. The birth mother will be meeting with our lawyer on Monday morning and then Mark and I will meet with him on Tuesday or Wednesday to try and nail down some more of the plans. Such as: Will we get to be at the hospital??? etc...

One thing the Birth Mother did request is that she be able to be present at the baptism. We of course said that she is more than welcome to attend. Ok, I'm rambling, but it has been a CRAZY afternoon and my mind is rolling with thoughts and ideas: Daycare, baptism, girl names, boy names (hee hee), godparents, insurance, showers, registering, etc... You can imagine.

Ok, gonna go - again thanks for the prayers before and now.

This will be a very active blog for a while so keep checking in on us. :)


  1. WE ARE SO HAPPY FOR YOU! We can't wait to meet her. (hee hee) You guys SO deserve it. We love you.

    Kelsey and Marshal

  2. Yeah!!!! I can't even imagine, because my mind has been going since you told me!! I am SOOOO excited for you and will continue to pray for and the birth mother that every thing goes well! CAN'T WAIT.... I can not imagine what you two are going through. Nap now, and sleep in now.. Love you guys.

  3. GOD IS SO GOOD! What an answer to so many prayers! What a very LUCKY BABY! Since I talked to you I have thought about you all evening. All of the wonderful things you are about to experience! I get goosebumps for you. Imagine Jenny soon you will be holding YOUR baby! So so happy for the two of you! I can not wait to meet him or her! I'm guessing a BOY :)

  4. Congratulations, Mark and Jenny!!

    What a fun, fun couple of weeks this is going to be!! I pray all things go well and the baby is in your arms very soon!

  5. To our family's newest Mom and Dad: This is the post everyone has been waiting for! You will make wonderful parents! Our prayers continue. All our love, Mom and Dad K

  6. ok- I was up till 3:00 am~ to excited to sleep~ guessing you guys had a hard time sleeping too????? I'm going to have to get that dashboard thing you were talking about Jenny so I don't have to check your website every hour! Can't wait to hold my new niece or nephew~ baby Mac has no idea how much he/she is anticipated by all!!!!!!!!! love Beth

  7. CONGRATS!! We are so happy for you and can't wait to watch you enjoy this next "chapter" in your lives.
    Jeremy & Natalie

  8. YEA! YEA! Crying as I read these comments. I'm soooo excited! I'm guessing a girl.

    This is the announcement I was waiting for, but honestly, this isn't the blog posting I've been waiting for. I'm waiting for the one with a pic of the two of you with your baby!!!! :) It'll be soon! ;)

  9. Congrats! I am so happy for you both. It has been such a hard road, but now comes the fun part! You will be great parents!!! This feels kinda like 9 mo. broken down into about 3 wks. or less! Wow, now that's fast!! love, Pat

  10. AWESOME!!!! GOD IS GREAT! You are gunna have a very blessed and beautiful family. Your children to be are very lucky kids. We will keep praying for you and can't wait to see the newest addition to the kampling family.
    Love the Laverentz Family

  11. Whooooooo hooooooooooooo!!! We are so excited for you...I've had a smile on my face ever since you guys told us! We needed some good news around here!!!
    Can't wait to meet the little baby, and I'm guessing girl too!

  12. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I am looking forward to hearing about the whole story on your blog, seeing the new little one, and then hearing and watching him/her grow up through the years. You are going to be the best mom ever! Love, Christa

  13. We are so happy for your family! Enjoy this crazy time--it will go on and on for at least 18 more years!

  14. Congrats you two that is so exciting!!! You both deserve it and we can't wait to see the little one and hear all the stories. Keep your sanity these next few weeks and God bless!!

  15. Congrats Jenny and Mark! I'm so excited for you!

  16. Jenny and Mark,
    We're SO excited for you guys, and we can't wait to meet our newest little neighbor!!!
    ~Joe and Kristy



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