family pic

family pic

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Ok, I need to explain my lack of picture postings. I have been taking pictures I promise. Our home computer got affected by lightening a couple of months ago and since then it hasn't worked right. Every other time I go in to use it it won't work and I have to turn it on and off 3 - 4 times to get it to come on. Well, honestly, I don't want to mess with it right now because I want to spend more time with Jaren. I have been posting from Marks work computer and I can't download all of my pictures onto it. So until I take the time to mess with our home computer (I promise it will be soon) You'll just have to wait.

Prayers - Mark and I received our papers about our final hearing for Jaren's adoption yesterday in the mail. Our hearing date is set for August 20th at 10:00 a.m. Please pray that everything leading up to this date goes smoothly and that that day itself goes without glitches. Mommy can't wait for this day to be over (Although, she is NOT wishing away one single moment of time).

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and prayers.

Also, thanks for the continued good food. We had a some wonderful enchiladas last night and a subway sandwich for me. (Darn picky eaters) And tonight our Friend Casey is smoking some meat for us and bringing it over - I LOVE smoked meat!


  1. I can't wait to come see him. I'm sure he's grown in the last 5 days and, I'll get some pics too!! ~ Amy

  2. had such fun today at the shower~ hope you had fun showing all the presents to Mark. I'm going to try making the tortilla soup this week for Mike to see what he thinks~I'm with mark - YUM! kiss Jaren for me~Beth

  3. That's sooo exciting that you have the final date set already! I still need any good recipes that you get! :)



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