family pic

family pic

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jaren John McFadden

Our FAMILY photo!!! (that is so nice to say/type) Aren't we cute, and no I'm not biased I'm just stating the facts. Ok, so you have to take into consideration that this picture was taken after sitting in a waiting room for 18 hours and then waiting over an hour to meet our son after he was born - talk about time moving s l o w.

Here he is all by himself. He has lots of dark hair. He is just so Darn handsome. You can't tell here, but for now he has dark blue eyes. They just reweighed him too and he currently weighs 8 pounds 1 ounce. I actually would have guessed lower as many times as he has went to the bathroom.

Jaren is such a GREAT baby. We have been truly blessed by a miracle and will be forever grateful to his birth mother. She choose to give her son the ultimate gift of love and God led her to us. Words can't express the respect we have for her and the gratitude we feel.

Mark and I want to say thank you to EVERYONE who has prayed for us and for our baby. This whole process has been one that you can't really prepair yourself for, at least I couldn't, the emotions so unique and new and I know all of your prayers for everyone involved in this process has helped immensely. THANKS and please keep them coming while we wait for all of this to become final in the courts. That is when we will get his new birth certificate.

Oh and I'm going to need to know who all cheated on the voting poll and voted after Jaren was born :)


  1. Our thoughts and prayers will forever go to the birthmother also, as to what she has done for you and our whole family. Getting to see you guys be parents is such a blessing.

  2. He is completely adorable~ you were just stating the facts! Can't wait to hold him and give him lots-o-kisses! love Beth

  3. He is sooo cute. I am so happy for you both. I can't wait to come to Wichita and give you both a big hug. I have a hard time being happy for new parents since I had such a hard time having babies but when I heard the papers were signed I cried with happiness for you. You will be wonderful parents.




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