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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Leaving comments


I just found out that there may be some problems for you all when you are trying to leave comments. If you have tried to leave a comment and you can't find it there may be a reason. My mom and sister told me that the first time they are trying to leave a comment you get a small message (that is easy to miss) saying that this can not be posted please try again. Then if they just click post again it works, but they are having to hit it twice.

I hope this helps anyone that may be having issues with this. Thanks for all your wonderful comments, they are really nice and make this process just a little easier.


  1. This is true, I think it has missed several of mine too, but if it did go through you should get a message that says your post will appear once it's been approved!

  2. Hey Jenny,
    miss you guys! Hope everything is coming together as far as paperwork and everything. I know from Laurie that it can be overwhelming at times, especially with deadlines, so I hope it goes well for you. Love you lots!



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