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Monday, June 27, 2011


I promise to post our labor/delivery story soon and a more in depth update. For now here is the short version of the update.

Jaren is doing a Great job transitioning into a big brother. Unless it has to do with sharing dad. He's ok to loan me to 'Nanie', but not really daddy. He loves Landrie though, always wants to know where she is and gives her the nicest kisses.

Landrie is doing well and is so perfect.

We are struggling right now though with our feeding, mom is so engorged that Landrie can't get anything out. We spent over 45 min. at the breastfeeding clinic today. They measured Landrie before the feed and after the 45 min. feed and she actually lost .1 oz because she ate so little that her work in getting anything burnt more calories than she consumed. AHHHHHH I was heart broken. we have a new regimen that we are following to try and help this problem, but it is, well, to say exhausting would be an understatement. The whole process takes approx an hour and has to be done every two hours. So I am literally spending 1/2 of my day in the chair with Landrie trying to feed or working on it and then I get one hour every other hour to try and do something else. This should only last approx. 3 days as that is when the 'engorgement' period should be over. We go to the pediatrician tomorrow and then back to the breastfeeding clinic for some more work. We are actually doing VERY small amounts of supplementing now per the lactation consultants directions so she can get some calories and nutrients and not become dehydrated.

Please pray that we can get the hang of it all soon so that we don't have to spend literally 1/2 our days working on eating.

Once I'm not tied up doing the regimen I will post some more pictures and our labor/delivery story.


  1. So So very happy for your sweet little family! You are a wonderful Mommy! Praying for you little princess that she gets the hang of eating! You are going to *love* having a boy and a girl!! ((hugs)) excited for more pictures!!

  2. Hang in will get easier for both of you soon :) We will be in touch about a visit to meet your sweet girl soon, once you are a little more settled.



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