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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Congrats Mommy

So you may all remember a while back that my mommy had to take her COMPS on the weekend of the K-State vs. KU football game. And she passed her COMPS for her masters. That is her comprehensive test over her whole program. Not just a class, but all the classes she has taken over the past 5 years. It was a 4 hour 4 essay question test. She literally typed for 4 hours - she was tired.

Well, Four and a half weeks ago mommy had to take another test in the PRAXIS series. If you are a teacher you would know what that is. It is the testing series that all students going through in the teaching education programs, at least for the state of Kansas. Mommy had to take 3 tests while at K-state and then she had to take two for her masters. They are very expensive so she didn't want to take them again

And - finally, I'll tell you that she found out yesterday she passed.

Now all she has to do it complete her research this semester as well as present her hopeful research for next semester to the international review board. Then next semester she has to carry out her research after the International review board approves it and then calculate her results and present them to her research committee and defend her research and she should be graduating NEXT DECEMBER!!! I can't wait until mommy is done!!!


  1. Hey cousin Jaren~ it's Jenna and Hayden! We are so happy for your mom and are pulling for our dad to get done with his class too~ we sure miss and the "tackle" and "hide-n-seek" we don't get to play as often since HIS class takes up so much time. But hang in there and it will all be done soon and our parents will have so much time for us we will hardly remember the days of HOMEWORK! We hope to play with you some time this weekend~ love your cousins~ Jennavieve and Hayden

  2. Tell your mom CONGRATS!!! She was very nervous about that and she too can't wait to be finished and spend more time with you. Next December will be here before you know it, even though at times it's not going to feel like it.
    Aunt Amy

  3. I bet Mark can't wait for you to finish so he can be a stay at home dad :) Congrats Jenny, feels good to clear some milestones. J

  4. All of your hard work is paying off! Great job :)

  5. Great! Then you can start working on your Phd, right?!

    Mike Miller



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