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Friday, February 7, 2020

April 18 misc

As I mentioned earlier I had two of my students pass away one on either side of Easter this year.  It was a VERY difficult time.  They both taught me so much and touched my heart.

We did a balloon launch at school for Cale and Leah. 

One day just sitting at home Jaren comes around the corner and says 
"mom there is a hot air balloon in the back yard"
Sure enough.  There were three of them flying actually but this one landed in our back yard. 
As it was landing there was a man knocking on the door trying to gain permission before he landed but no such luck.  
It was pretty neat.

 Landrie on a field trip with other Renwick schools
She got to see Aunt Holly and Aunt Nikki on the trip - someone captured this picture for me with Aunt Holly

 Jayden got to stay with us for a bit while his parents were at the hospital with Cale. 
After he was found no breathing that morning - his mom performed CPR and got a pulse. 
The ambulance then rushed him to the hospital, but there was nothing that could be done to save Cale.  His parents made the brave and honorable decision to donate his organs so he remained in the hospital for a few days till the organ recipients were ready and his organs were all ready to go.

Taylin Tess loves her some Jayden - they had a GREAT time together.

Zables had given us the game where you put the funky mouth pieces in and try to say phrases.  
It was halarious
 Snuggle time
 I got my top braces off!!!

 Ice Cream with pink eye  - antibiotics couldn't work fast enough

Fun time on the playground

Mark had a happy hour after work so we picked him up to drive him home 
suprised him with a BIG bag of popcorn (I think I had gotten it from a co-worker whose daughter worked at the Warren)  We didn't have our big popcorn machine yet at this time.

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