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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Update #2

Again I want to start by thanking everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and overall support for Mark and I.

Now for the update. We got a phone call from my acquaintance's niece this evening and she will be coming over late Sunday afternoon to meet us and see our house!!! We are extremely excited and cautiously optimistic.

We are requesting that you continue to pray for the birth mother, the baby, and us.

Thanks again!


  1. I am so excited at this opportunity for you guys. I/We will be praying for everyone envolved in this situation! Sunday has never seemed so far away huh?
    Love you guys ~ Amy

  2. SO EXCITING!!! Of course the prayers are always coming - for all of you. TRUST.

    Mom K

  3. We'll be thinking of you!! You will all remain in our prayers.

  4. I hope it all goes well! I'm so excited for you both!


  5. How awesome is that !!! Thinking of you guys.. Love Tara

  6. Holy Cow, I'm excited for you both!!! I'm so happy that this birthmother is chosing an apoption plan for her child, and I will hope and pray that you are part of that plan! I know God's in control, and he knows who your first child will be. I just hope it's sooner than later!
    Miss you both, and will be thinking/praying for you on Sunday.
    love, everyone from TEXAS!!!

  7. ok ~ even I'm nervous?!@3?! or excited ~ or something! Wow~ how many prayers can we get in by Sunday????? We will be checking the blog every hour or so on Sunday so update immediately when she leaves to tell us your gut reaction to the visit! Can't wait to hear! love Beth

  8. That is very exciting that you are getting a visitor tommorow evening! I hope all goes well! Good luck and my prayers will be with you and Mark. Take Care! Erica Bunton

  9. Thanks for including me. We were away for the weekend and I couldn't wait until we got back so I could check your blog! You'll do great so don't let yourself get too worried. All my love, thoughts and prayer, Pat



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