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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prayer request update

I have requested prayers for a few things in the past week and wanted to, first thank everyone for their well wishes and prayers, we are truley blessed to have such a wonderful family and support system around us.

First - Blake - he made it home from the hospital on Friday with orders for more breathing treatments. He is doing fine and is up to his old tricks, just with a lingering cough.

Second - I ask that you continue to pray for my aquantances neice as she makes her desicion.

Third - I ask that you continue to pray that she will take a look at Mark and I's portfolio, meet with us, visit with us, e-mail us, in short - take a min. to get to know us. Try to join me in placing my faith in God that if this baby is meant to be placed in Mark and I's care it will be. We have to place our trust in God that when the time is right we will get to hold our child and raise him/her up in faith.

Thanks, again, for all your thoughts, prayers, adoration hours, and candles. It means the world to Mark and I and I promise I will post if and when I know anything more.


  1. Just know how much I am thinking about you two! Lots of Love and Prayers!

  2. Hey Jenny - I got this off of Kelsey. I'm so sorry that you and Mark have had so many problems. We will keep you in our prayers, but on a positive note...I have a really good friend who had severe endometriosis and tried to get pregnant for 7 years and all the doctors told her that she would NEVER get pregnant. She has a 4 year old boy she adopted from Korea and is pregnant with a little girl. Miracles do happen! Just keep praying! We will pass this on and pray for a miracle for you. Otherwise, I hope all is well in everything else. Miss you.

    Brandon and Sarah Carlson

  3. Mark and Jenny~thanks for showing us all how to trust in God's plan by example . . .we can all learn a lot from you! love you guys ~ Beth and Mike (ps Jenny~I tried to leave a comment without using anony but it wouldn't show it!)

  4. Of course we will keep praying. And I have all the faith in the world that you will hold your baby in your arms, rock it to sleep, console it like no one else can. And you will be an excellent mommy- and daddy. I just don't know when . . . I will pray for your specific requests, but keep in mind

    All babies are gifts from God and He gives them when He knows is best (We certainly didn't pick when ours would come!) . . . We never know what His plans are, just remember that His plan is infinitely more perfect than any you or I could make- even if it pains us and we don't understand it for the longest time!

    May God bless you and your little one too, and, God willing, join you soon!




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