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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our infirtility Journey

Our infirtility Journey started in August of 2004 when we decided we were going to try and start a family. We were very naive back then and thought that because we had done everything right up until this point our reward was going to be that we were going to be able to have a child whenever we decided to try for one. That was a L O N G time ago and we are now the wiser. As you all know we tried unsuccessfully to conceive that August so long ago.

We tried with good spirits for the first 6 or 7 months. Then I began to get worried, but also knew that most doctors won't talk to you until you have tried for at least a year.

I actually talked my doctor, in Iowa, to see us after 10 months. Mark was tested as well as myself and we both passed with flying colors so the next step was for me to have what is called a die test. The doctor injects a fluid to travel through the fallopian tubes while they take x-rays to make sure that your tubes are open. I passed this with flying colors as well.

The next step was going to be that he prescribed me Clomid, but that is when Mark got transferred to Wichita so we had to wait until we got here to travel that road.

SO... We moved here (YEAH!!!) and I had to see a doctor that would refer me to see the doctors at the center for reproductive medicine. So, after paying this doctor an arm and a leg to visit with us for 20 min. (maybe) he prescibed us Clomid (which I like to refer to as the devil drug) I was on Clomid for 6 months and man on man was it a roller coaster. That medicine causes, mood swings, drowsiness, mood swings (yes, I put it twice for Marks sake) and my favorite, Hot flashes. Mark was a trooper through this as I complained quite a bit.

6 months is all the doctors like you to take this drug as they figure if it doesn't work by then you need something more powerful. It has proved to work for many people and quickly too which is such a blessing (Mike and Beth :) )

I am going to stop there with our story as the waiting period we are about the enter into may take a while and that way I can spread out your reading material.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, we truly appreciate it.


  1. hey - good idea to spread out the posts ~ good way to help pass the time also! love reading your blog ~ see you guys the Thursday before the wedding ~ just let us know as it gets closer what time to expect you! ~love Beth

  2. Your nickname for Clomid is much nicer than the one Ron came up with. It does do nasty things to you, huh? It's really nice to hear your sense of humor came back. I often wondered if mine would.
    Just keep up the optimism. It truly should make the waiting easier/slightly less stressful.
    Love you -- Debbie

  3. So you've experienced menapause?? Now that should be a breeze for you...




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