family pic

family pic

Sunday, November 13, 2011

pumpkin patch

A couple weekends before Halloween our family went to a pumpkin patch in town and we had a WONDERFUL time. Jaren could have cared less that we were at a pumpkin patch as he just LOVES to be outside more than anything else. It was s uch a great time.

I was suprised he liked the swing, but he sure did.

As well as the slide :)

Happy Girl :)

Jaren didn't quiet get the idea of the maze - he'd rather walk on the top.

Daddy and Landrie

Jaren loves loves loves to climb

The cow train was exciting for two seconds then he freaked out a bit and didn't actually ride it.

Mommy and Landrie and her beautiful eyes

Jaren couldn't get over all the old tractors sitting around - he drove EVERY one of them.

Jaren was so excited he was allowed to touch the pumpkins.


  1. Looks like fun! Cute pumpkin outfit on Landrie :)

  2. Wow, what a great pumpkin patch! Jaren looks like he is in heaven climbing and riding everything!

    Glad you guys had fun! We might have to try that next year.



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