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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poor baby

On Monday afternoon my daycare called and said that Jaren had a fever so I went to pick him up. Tuesday morning the fever broke, but was back in full force, by Tuesday afternoon.

Mark took Jaren to the doctor this a.m. as his fever was continuously hitting 102.6 for three days. They said it was not strep throat, but an infection of the throat that has been going around and the fever has been lasting 3-5 days.

It is absolutely breaking my heart and I can't wait for him to feel better. He is not taking good naps, but actually sleeping the best he has through the night in months. I wouldn't trade it though, I'd go back to my 4 o'clock wake ups for a healthy boy.

On a lighter note I go the doctor tomorrow for my 24 week checkup and Mark and I leave in 17 days for our trip to Jamaica with our friends Kelsey and Marshal.


  1. Hope he's better soon, and I don't really care to have Jamica thrown in my face... Good luck at your appointment!

  2. Hope Jaren feels better soon, poor little guy. And I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going!



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