Jaren John McFadden
What is a mom to do when she realizes that her four year old is going to surpass her mathematical skills in approximately two years?
Last night getting PJ's on for bed. Jaren tells Mark and I that 6 plus 6 is 12. We hear this often as there is a chunk chart hanging in there with a monthly picture of Landrie 6 on the top row and 6 on the bottom row. However tonight Jaren continues on as fast as he was just having a conversation no pausing to do figures. Also 7 plus 7 is fourteen, and 8 plus 8 is sixteen.
Mark and I just look at each other and smile as Jaren has always surprised us with his skills, but he follows it with You know why I know that. It is easy cause it is just two more than the last one.
Insert my jaw dropping here as this is a mathematical skill that Jaren really at his age should not grasp. Oh how a person can question their decision to send their child to two years of Kindergarten.
That IS impressive!