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family pic

Saturday, May 21, 2011

just catching up

We have been busy around here trying to get ready for the baby. We got a dresser and have been busy painting it to match the new big boy bed. Last night we got both Jaren's room and the babies room finally set up. No decorations in the babies room yet, but we will wait to see the sex before we do that anyway.

Now we just sit and wait I guess. We are trying to remember that this time with Jaren we were still not sure if we were going to be blessed with adopting him yet.

Here is a pic Mark took one night during bed time routine when Jaren and I were just playin.

Jaren has always loved playing with, in, or on the laundry baskets and you can't see them here, but he was driving his cars around the basket.

35 weeks belly pic - I am 36 weeks on Tuesday.


  1. Sounds like you are all READY! I am doing a happy dance, so excited for you!!!!

  2. Getting so close! Can't wait!

  3. holey moley... I need to see you. :-(



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