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Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Jaren helped us move the crib out of his room Friday night and put it back together in the babies room. All of this so we could move him into his brand new big boy bed!!!


I was NOT ready for my baby to move to a big boy bed, but with the baby coming soon, we had to do it sooner than later. He did AMAZING.

I was prepaired for the worst. We did our regular bed time routine and talked about how he was going to sleep in his new big boy bed. Then we laid him down he cried we went back in and laid him down one time and then he was out. He did wonder into our room at 12:30. Mark laid him back down and he was out till 6:30. He suprised me so much, I'm so proud of my big boy. I'm struggling with my baby being so big, but I guess it had to happen sooner than later.


  1. Love and glad he is doing well with it!

  2. You are braver than I...

    Caleb and I have decided we are keeping Cadyn in the crib until she is 6 ;) Haha.



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