family pic

family pic

Monday, July 29, 2013

Jaren's first movie

As part of Jaren's birthday present we took him to his first movie.  He loves Dispicable me so we took him to the sequel.  I'm not sure who was more excited Mark or Jaren, but we all had fun.

Well, we eventually had fun.  Jaren didn't know what  a movie was and was not thinking it was fair that Landrie was going to be at Mima and Papa's house while he had to go with us.  He knew Mima and Papa's would be fun!

Let's just say he got over it and had fun.

We got to sit though ALL the credits at the end cause Jaren wasn't about to leave a speck of popcorn on his tray.

He did SOOOOO great!!!  He sat through the whole movie and loved it!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Jaren's birthday party

Jaren's birthday party was very different this year, very good, just different.  With Mark and I deciding that after first birthday's our children's birthday parties would be grandparents and godparents only - Jaren and Landrie were the only kids present at his party!!!  Jaren loved the extra attention from Mima's and Papa's!!! We all had a nice time other than possibly Mark when he had to grill in the sizzling hot weather.

Jaren's train cake

Yummy dinner

Landrie brought Jaren his presents as he did for her at her party and she loved it as you can see

The new helmet was a HUGE hit!!!

Um...  can I just say I think he is super adorable and handsome in a hat - only thing is he looks WAY to old for my liking.

Building with our new legos

Lets eat!!!

We love you little man

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jaren John's birthday

Jaren's actual birthday was before his party this year but we of course still celebrated.  With Mark having started his summer class the first thing in the a.m. was the only time Mark was going to see him so he got to give him a present then.  Jaren got a new super soft sports blanket and football shaped pillow for his new big boy bed.  

We have also had Jaren's 4 year well baby check up and he is doing great.  He is 41 inches tall (66%) and weighs 41 lbs ((86%)  

He played in the backyard with Blake - they played baseball and Jaren fully believes you can not bat without a helmet and wants to wear gloves so he is wearing his bike helmet and yard gloves :)

Landrie having fun outside with the boys

Then we traveled up to the park for some fun

And of course we were hot after playing at the park so we went to country acres for some ice cream!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 4th 2013

Each year we celebrate the Fourth of July in Garden Plain.  Their town has a huge celebration.  My Mima lives there as well as my brother and sister.  Not to mention this is the town where our children will be attending school and the school district I will be teaching in the next school year.
Our family getting ready for the parade

Little stinker didn't want to smile

Landrie absolutly loves this little man.  This is her cousin little Jae

She picked up on the fact that a cute 2 year old girl waving recieved candy

Jaren was battling a throat virus so had an ok day, but not the best

Mima Cheryl with Landrie Lynn

Daddy was holding the candy bag so Jaren didn't stray to far from him.

This is our turtle.  They have turtle races at the city park and while this is our first year to participate it is a BIG deal.  There were two heats in the small turtle division this year, one in medium sized turtles and one in large size.  We were in the small size turtle and didn't make it to the finals.

One this that caring for this turtle for a week confirmed for Mark and I is that we are NOT animal people. 

The kids trying to get a view of the races

ready....   set....


Jaren thought this was a pretty neat police car

Mima Mac and Jaren walking back up from playing by the pond.  Mima and Papa Mac have a cabin on their land and we had the fourth there this year.  The land behind this picture is actually where we will be building our house in a few years.  We are so excited and CAN'T wait!!!

Landrie and Jaren enjoying a yummy meal with Matea

Papa Mac relaxing for a bit

Jaren had fun doing some snap and pops with cousin Jennavieve

The boy loves to swing

She thinks she can do anything Jaren can - scares me to death

My sister-in-law Holly and our mutual friend Christina

Watching some family fireworks


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