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Sunday, July 14, 2013

June 2013 misc.

Jaren just having fun

I am watching Blake this summer while Amy is working ESY and we are having center time and table work time.  It is so much fun for me to get to 'teach' academics again and the kids are really loving it. 

Jaren was having a picnic

The dress up tub has just been discovered and I'm lovining it.  I knew I kept my old bridesmaids dresses for a reason

This is me at 29 weeks.  I am 34 weeks right now.

Dress up tub again

Jaren really does a nice job when Mark cuts his hair

We had a dance party at summer reading program.  This is our friend Ellie with Blake, Jaren and Landrie

I'm pretty sure this is child labor

Landrie likes to play games with the uncles that she doesn't like them, but on this day she decided to give in and sit by them.  It had NOTHING to do with the brownie at the table :)

Our first real ponytail that required no other clips.  Of course she was blessed with my fine thin hair and it only stayed in for a very short amount of time.

practicing scissors skills

Getting a caterpillar tatoo at summer reading program

I wasn't sure Jaren would let them do this, but he did and he was glad he did

Lots of skirts on this boy lately from the dress up tub - not Marks favorite thing to see ;)

We have some cute hats in the dress up tub too

we got a new swing set from one of my co-workers parents and the kids are LOVING it!!!  As am I

We put a sandbox underneath of it

the slide is a favorite though

even if....

we aren't quite there yet

Aren't I a great mom for taking pictures of this from my chair rather than jumping up to save her.  Kid number two ya know things change.

Ths is my uncle Ron.  He had a massive stroke a month ago and just got out of the rehab hospital on the 3rd of July.  He is progressing slowly but nicely.  It will be a long road, but one I have no doubt he will overcome.  This picture is on a day when my brother brought his best friend 'Rusty' up the the rehab hospital to see him.  Ron and Rusty sure missed each other.

Fun day at the zoo

Look at our new slide mom!!!

1 comment:

  1. Again with the slide action shots - I am dying laughing over here! ;)
    PS - You are getting SO close to #3!



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