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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Big Boy!!!

I had my 10 month appointment today and they told me to no surprise that I am a BIG BOY. I now weight 25 pounds which puts me in the 89% for weight. I am 30 1/4 inches long which puts me in the 88% and my head, well, it is huge (quiet Aunt Beth, I can hear you laughing) My head is 48 1/4 cm. That puts me in the 97% for head circ.

Actually, that puts my head above the normal trend line so to make sure everything is growing/closing correctly I have to go back to the doctor in 6-8 weeks. They don't think anything is wrong since I am progressing normally. I babble non stop with mom and dad, I will feed myself finger foods, and I am beginning to arm crawls as the video shows. Any way they told mom and dad it was nothing to worry about just playing it safe that most of the time it is simply in the kids genes to have a big head or not to (Don't worry Kelsey it isn't all the time :) )

Overall, it was a great appointment. No immunizations, I did get checked for anemia, and found out that I am NOT anemic. (just a test they run at this time, not because they thought I might be) The nice lady said I looked healthy to her and other than wanting to check my head out in a month or two - I got a clean bill of health.

Here is a short video of me 'crawling'


  1. Looks like a very happy little guy!! Love the army crawl...adorable!!

  2. what a sweetie pie~ and cut him some slack on the army crawl... he's carrying around more weight than the average kid! He just doesn't look all that big, until he's next to a kid his own age! He's lookin like he needs some more kisses from aunt Beth~ see you in a few weeks!

  3. CUTE! Great news on all of his measurements. Love the video, he is adorable!

  4. Sooooooooooooo glad he's on the move!!! And Mommy must be so proud that he chose the book!

  5. How cute!~!! He is getting much more mobile!

  6. Big headed people are extra smart- so good for you Jaren!



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