What a date huh???
Yesterday was a neat day not only because of the date, but because it was Jaren's 1/2 birthday. That is right my baby is one and a half. I can't believe how fast time has grown and him. He is so big and can do SO many things. Now if only we can master the art of verbal communication. I put it that way because sign language is pretty well mastered. Now we just need him to say those words as well. He does say some words: Momma, Daddy, Yeah, night night, bye bye, but can sign MANY MORE. Just to name a few: in, out, on, tree, milk, all done, more, please, thank you, up, momma, daddy, and more. Jaren's well baby visit is tomorrow so we will see what they have to say about his development and how concerned they are or aren't about his verbal communication.
Cute story. I was not feeling the best last night so retired to bed before Mark and Jaren. Mark told me this a.m. that during night time prayers last night, which we are all three normally a part of, about half way through Jaren stated signing mommy :) That could break my heart, because as you all know, Jaren is a HUGE, that is an understatement, Daddy's boy, so for him to be with daddy and asking for me is pretty special.
And, of course we can't forget about my other baby - yesterday was my 17 week date. We are really trucking along.
Here is a little picture overview of Jaren's first year and a half via the pictures from my cell phone.
1st birthday cake

Sleeping away

I love hanging out in my stroller and have for a long time.

Just a happy boy

Daddy was on a road trip and I was talking to him on the phone.

Playing with mommy

Getting some sun for my jaundice

Doing to splits

Shopping with mommy

Playing on mommy and daddy's bed

I'm such a big boy sitting up.

And people wonder where I got my nickname hause - a - potamus (I'm sure I spelt that wrong)

Trying on a new sun hat