As mentioned in the last post we went to KC over spring break just to get away. We stayed in a hotel for four nights, swam, visited family and friends, and ate out!!! Other than Landrie getting sick halfway through our trip which resulted in us leaving our friends house with her in new outfit, me borrowing a shirt and not wearing socks home, as well as Mark wearing his jacket only as he had to remove his shirt. All of this as we were visiting their new two week old baby. Thank God Maelin didn't catch what she had as it lasted two weeks.
The pool had to be the highlight of the trip for Jaren, thank goodness Daddy doesn't mind catching him jump in from the side for hours.
Mark's birthday was during our trip. His sister Beth and sister-in-law Sue came with their kids to swim at the pool. They brought yummy cookies too:)
I just love this picture - they were watching TV together. They have really started to 'play' together more often which is melting my heart.
Introducing Maelin Our time with her was cut way to short with Landrie getting sick so not very many pics, but she sure was precious and I can't wait to see her again.
This pic breaks my heart, as Landrie is my baby and it just proves that she isn't a baby anymore.
It snowed on us almost everyday of our spring break in KC, while it was much warmer in Andale
The elevator of coure was probably the second best thing about vacation behind the pool