family pic

family pic

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Papa Mike's 60th birthday

My dad turned 60 at the beginning of August and instead of throwing a huge party we had an adult only 'family' night for him. We made his favorite dinner, pan fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. On top of that we had WAY WAY WAY more food, so much so the night was dubbed food-a-palooza. We had a GREAT TIME. ate way to much, played cards, and sat in the hot tub. Happy Birthday old man :)

Me and Mark

All of us playing cards - with no interuptions - it felt weird

The man of the night

Hot tub fun - each seat has differan jets so we always have to play musical chairs and rotate seats every now and then.

Mom, Rhonda and Amy

Mark and Bob doing the dishes!!!


Mom and Dad

My brother Todd and my dad

Monday, September 10, 2012

Family swim day

Last summer my mom started a family swim day. We all meet at a pool and swim together and then go to her house for food. We met at the Andale pool this year and had a great time. Thanks mom for the fun.

Blake and Jaren

Grandma Cheryl and Blake

Isaiah enjoying the slide

Daddy and Jaren

Mommy and Landrie


Grandma took the kids to the concessions stand at life guard break of course

Blake, Caleb, Mariah, and Grandma

Jaren with Amy and Emma with my brother Todd

Fun times at the pool

Landrie looking for a 'nack'

Saturday, September 8, 2012

July Misc. 2012

I know I didn't get done before school started, but I got a good start. Here is our month of July at a glance. Minus Jaren's b-day since I already posted it.

Landrie in her favorite chair

Landrie swinging in her new swing she got for her b-day

Landrie thought she needed to wear Jaren's shorts

Jaren doing his favorite thing!

Landrie thought she needed to wear Jaren's undies

Daddy with the kids at the Sedgwick County Fair

Jaren at the fair and as you can tell it was a HOT day

Landrie doesn't mind the heat as long as she can have a 'Nack'

Jaren enjoying an ice cream cone

Landrie and her beautiful evening hair - and me without my glasses looks funny.

Jaren dipping his grahmn cracker in his milk - not sure where he got this from

Jaren saying look at me

Daddy and the kids

Mommy and the kids

Jaren was 'working' for me in the house this day

I got it mom don't worry I'll fix it

Lardrie reading her books

Landrie just being cute

Blake hurt his wrist here one day this summer. He wasn't sure if he should get really upset or not. I kept talking to him about how tough he was. At first he wasn't even sre he could bend his wrist it hurt so bad. Then I caught him bending his wrist and said he must be ok. He told me he was ok because he was tough becuase he had......

These (these pictures are a reinactment) he literally told me that he was tough because he had 'these' and pointed to his 6 pack!!! Halarious.

Then of course the boys had to continue to show me how tough they are

Landrie wonding what these boys are doing

Landrie trying to wear Jaren's boots

"mom - maybe I'm not ready for these yet"

Landrie enjoying spagetti for the first time.

Jaren wanted me to tak a picture about how messy he was with spagetti too

Jaren playing with one of his favorite birthday toys

And with Daddy's sunglasses which are a favorite

Landire likes spaggettios too

Landrie texting away - don't worry dad I took the phone away right after this picture.

I normally can't grow a thing, but I planted some canna bulbs and some cox comb (I'm sure I spelled both of those wrong) this year and they have done really well and I'm kinda proud of myself, even if everyone tells me it is just really good soil.

Kelsey and I took a girls trip to OKC this summer and had a great time. THis is the trip where she let me know that her and Marshal will be welcoming a BABY to their family in FEB!!!! I'm SOOOOOO excited.

While we were there we visited the OKC bombing memorial

It was very neat - I'm glad we took the time to visit


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