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family pic

Sunday, April 5, 2020


So in my trying to catch up and quickly doing posts I hadn't realized until Rylands birthday posts that I didn't have the kids yearly pictures in with their birthday posts.  

Well.....  I couldn't find them and was freaking out then I magically this a.m. found them on my desktop.

As you all know this time in our lives has been so weird.  Trying to stay positive, but productive at the same time.  Sense we keep having yucky weather, I'm trying to get projects that have been on my list for FOREVER caught up on. 

This blog being one.  I spent about 2 hours today sorting and ordering October of 19 pictures.  I'm about ready to start posting October.  Yesterday I got all pictures off my still camera and video camera and am putting off trying to get the pictures off my phone.  about 6 months ago my laptop wouldn't allow me to get pictures off my camera anymore by plugging in the cord so I had to e-mail them to myself either 6 pictures or 1 video at a time and then download the image or file from the e-mail and save it in my folders.  it took FOREVER.... 

so I got a new laptop, surprise from Mark, for Christmas and I refuse to just put all these pictures on the new laptop so I am going through everything on here as quickly as possible so I can move only what needs to be moved to the new laptop.  

Well... November pictures are still all on my phone so after I post October I have to just try and get them off my phone onto new laptop.  I'm worried about the number of videos because, I have a lot on my phone.  The only way I have found to be quiet and not yell and embarrass, mostly Jaren - the other two don't seem to mind as much, is to take video that Mark and I use as a coaching tool later.  So I have a lot.  Anyway I was supposed to do that today but can easily talk myself out of that one till I absolutely have to because I am afraid it won't work and I'll have to email them one at a time again which on our country satellite internet takes FOREVER

So the other thing I worked on today is cutting out jeans.  I have been saving jeans sense, I don't know, college to make a jean quilt for each of my kids.  My Mima Millie made all of us grandkids one and I love mine.  In fact it was my comforter my freshman year in college.  I have had 6 tubs of jeans sitting in our basement sense we moved in then when we finished the basement they have been the only, last thing left to put away.  I have been refusing to put them away till I cut them down.  So, I got started on that today.  For way to many hours I cut waist bands and side seams and zippers and pockets out of jeans.  It felt really good, emotionally to get that 1/2 of my tubs of jeans cut.  I say emotionally because my back is killing me.  But, the hope is with no practices this week or anything else, I can get the other two tubs all cut out this week.  The weather is supposed to get nice, almost hot nice, this week though so may be outside instead of inside doing that.

So about these pictures - here are the new yearly pictures of  our BEAUTIFUL kids this year that I forgot to post with their birthday posts.

Landrie is 8

Jaren is 10 - this is his long hair phase - he would have liked it longer - I do not care for it and am grateful that right now it is shorter.

Taylin Tess is 3

Ryland is 6 - Amy offered to Photoshop out his forehead scrape - I said not that's fine that is who he is :)

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