So I have realized that I've never told Rylands birth story - so here it is:
On Friday the 30th of August I had to go in that a.m. to have a sonogram done to check his weight as I was measuring big the whole third trimester. She said everything looked good and he was over 9 lbs most likely. I could tell there was something, up but wasn't sure what it was then, however suspected that my fluid levels may have been low. I've seen to many sonograms in my life - I can read them pretty well at this point. I had a scheduled appoitment with my OB for later that afternoon so wasn't to worried.
At 3:50 that afternoon I go back to the doctor for her to walk in and so NOTHING other than we need another sonogram right now. I think we are having this baby tonight. Freak out insued. We were scheduled to be induced the following Thursday if nothing happened before that - My due date as the 31st of August.
So Dr. Maki sends me to wait while they get the sono machine ready and I call Mark - AHHHH we may be having this baby tonight!!! Dr. Maki explains that if my fluid levels are below 6 we are going in tonight - if they are over six she will let me go over the holiday weekend and be enduced Tuesday the 3rd. Well.... my levels were 6.1 This made me anxious about being ok, but I have to have faith in my doctor so we scheduled an enducement for Tuesday the 3rd. With a check in of Monday for Cervidil.
So that brings me to Monday night - Mark and I dropped the kids off with my parents so we could go out to eat before we checked in. A little Texas Roadhouse never hurt anyone. Then at 6:30 we checked into the hospital for cervidil - Amy met us there - much to Marks delight as this gave him the ability to participate in his fantasy football draft while Amy entertained me (one point me - best wife ever)
at 8:00 p.m. the cervidil was in place and light contractions started almost immediatly
Then at 10:30 about the time that Amy and Mark are winding down and thinking about going to sleep the contrations started up much stronger. They continued all night getting stronger leaving me with no sleep and Amy and Mark intermitant sleep at best. The cervidil was supposed to be in for 12 hours.
at 6:00 a.m. Dr. Maki comes in and says to take the Cervidil out and then wait an hour and start pitocin - DON'T break her water though because she is Group B positive and we need her to get the meds. Break her water at 12:00. At this point we call my mom as pitocin wasn't scheduled to start till the earliest 9:00 - so she heads on in. I am at a 4 and 80%. I get to take a shower!!!
8:00 the anesthesiologist comes in to place epidural - pitocin is started. The epidural experience this time was TERRIBLE - my nurse commented how I was lucky I got the actual anesthesiologist and not an anestatition. WRONG - While they were placing the first epidural I am curled up in a comfy ball and my water breaks (NOT good - because Group B meds had just been started) Anyway as he is placing the epidural I hear the doctor say "Oh Crap" Yeah, no doctor is EVER supposed to say that. But he had pulled out the epidural so we got to start all the way over. So glad cause I was so comfy. Then he starts over - gets the second one in place all taped down etc... Then they test it and it is blocked which means I won't get any of the medicine - NOT GOOD - so we take ALL the tape off and start over for the third time. Well... third time is a charm because it took and I was able to get some relief. Then I told my nurse to never tell anyone they were lucky to get the actual anesthesiologist ;) I had a great nurse, which is such a blessing. By the time he was done and they got me situated again and check me I was a 6 and 90%.
They start pushing group B meds faster than normal because my water broke. A couple of times they had to reposition me because the baby was stressing. They checked me again approx. 11:00 and I was a 9 and 100%. Then my back started really hurting, more pain meds, and repositioning not helping so they had me sit straight up which did help my back and also sent me to complete VERY FAST. My mom and sister started the rosary for me and we barely got it in before he was born. Dr. Maki came in and was getting dressed as we were finishing - at the same time baby started really stressing again so they had to put oxygen on me.
11:52 after only having to push through 2 contractions (Landrie was an hour and a half so I was so excited about this) Ryland was born and was healthy. I got to hold him RIGHT AWAY!!! I didn't ge to do that with Landrie or Jaren so was something I had been praying about.
He did not have much of a cone head since the process all went fairly quickly. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 20 inches long - and HEALTHY.
I got all my group B meds, at least they told me I did, and everything went smooth!!!
We facetimed with Jaren and Landrie right away so they could be the first to meet Ryland. There were taking a bath with Mima and Papa Mac. They took naps and then came up to the hospital.
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