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Friday, December 17, 2010

slow dance

I know I am WAY behind again, but we are having some MAJOR issues with our internet and have tried to make two posts and gotten kicked off before I was done and lost everything I was working on. So this one is going to be short and sweet.

I just had one of the best experiences of my life to date and want to note it. Today was my last day of school before Christmas for me, so I left school as soon as physically possible to go get Jaren and get home.

We got home and I got Jaren a snack and started dinner. Then came the best part....

Jaren asked for one of his favorite things. He wanted the music on. So I put on a Christmas CD, turned the house lights off and the tree lights on. Then for a half and hour Jaren and I danced. Some fast fun twirly songs and some slow songs which involved him cuddling on my shoulder and licking my shirt ;)

I wish I had a picture, but as we were the only people home I obviously don't, but let me tell you it was darn cute!!!

Enjoy the holidays!!!


  1. This truly brings tears to my eyes Jenny. I can just imagine you two twirling around together - how perfect! Sometimes the best memories are ones we can't get via camera, but are just etched in our minds forever :) Btw, LOVE how much Jaren can sign!

  2. It is Great, I've witnessed this one!!



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