family pic

family pic

Monday, March 8, 2010

random events/prayer update

Prayer update first - Blake and mommy's student are both home from the hospital now and doing much better. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
This is my Grandpa Mike being silly with my cousin Cheeks

This is my grandpa mike and my cousin Hunter playing with me

This is my cousin Caleb riding by me

When my cousin cheeks came to play mom let us take a bath today

Me and Daddy cheezing it for the camera


  1. Glad that everyone is doing better. Cute pics!

  2. How Cute, I'll have to get some of those from you. If this is going to let me post I'm going to post on all of them!

  3. Oh my goodness... I'm out of the loop! I am so glad to hear that Blake is home from the hospital! Yuck! Amy was just saying 'it had been a while'... so glad he is doing better as well as your student.

  4. LOVE the bath photo! That looks like a handy contraption Jaren is in.



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