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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

VOTE for ME!!!

To try and explain this quickly. Mom got bored on one of our snow days and had been reading one of her new parent magazines when she came across a cover contest for the magazine. Well, Amy had just brought over my adorable 6 month pictures so mommy entered me into this contest.

Then yesterday she got an e-mail from the magazine that they selected one of the 6 pictures mom entered to be in a separate contest for this week and to have people vote for it. So here is the link so you can go vote if you have time. I don't think I can win anything other than pride for my mom and dad on how darn adorable I am.


  1. Okay going to try this again, I've tried to post on here 4 times now and it won't let me. Do you know when they will say who won?

  2. K, I clicked on the link like 5 or 6 times, just in case it lets me vote that many times. I know that Robert voted a couple days ago also, but this is the first chance I've gotten.

    So when do we hear the results?



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